On the 30th of July 2024, the Kenya Connection (KC) team conducted a meeting with parents of high school scholarship students in Chakama, Kilifi. The gathering brought together nine parents, including those of the new Form One students. Unfortunately, the students could not attend the meeting as they were in school.

The meeting commenced with a prayer, followed by an introduction session. The KC team invited the parents to introduce themselves and their children, who were absent but are beneficiaries of the scholarship program. After the introductions, the KC team introduced themselves and proceeded with the day’s agenda.
The first item on the agenda was to address the parents of the new Form One students regarding the scholarship regulations. Winnie provided a brief overview of the organization’s mission. She emphasized that Kenya Connection conducts annual visits to its mission centers in Chakama and Siaya, which are located outside of Nairobi, where the organization is based. Adding this year, Kenya Connection awarded scholarships to five students from Chakama: Daisy, Lennox, Chengo, Solomon, and Steve.
Winnie outlined the scholarship regulations, stressing that students must maintain a minimum grade of B+ in Form One. From Form Two onwards, the minimum required grade is C+. Failure to meet these academic standards will result in the issuance of three warning letters, after which the scholarship may be terminated. Additionally, students are expected to maintain discipline, avoiding behaviors such as drug and substance abuse, engaging in sexual activity, and cheating in exams. The students are also required to participate in community service activities, including helping out at the center in Chakama and attending tuition sessions during school holidays.
Winnie also urged parents to be actively involved in their children’s lives and to pray for them. Regarding the submission of report forms and fee structures, the parents agreed to submit these documents to Madam Mary, who will then forward them to Kenya Connection.
The meeting concluded with a prayer.