How We Work
Kenyan Connection views young adulthood as a pivotal period of transition and formation, where lasting relationships, attitudes, and habits are developed. The transition to adulthood represents a time of possibility, where identity, purpose, independence, and family formation are explored. Our programs and activities are designed to help young adults discern all that God calls them to be, fostering growth in Christian maturity and holistic well-being to live productive and responsible lives. Our aim is to offer hope and direction, helping youth develop and use their gifts for the benefits of others and the purposes of God. Kenya Connection targets young adults from primarily low-income and marginalized communities where there are high rates of unemployment and crime and lack of educational opportunities.
Relationships Matter
We believe that relationships come first (not projects, programs, or results). We focus on building strong relationships built on understanding and mutual respect.

Opportunities Abound
We focus on opportunities rather than challenges. We believe that opportunities abound and every individual and community is blessed with God-given talent and resources that can be cultivated and harnessed for good.
Locals Know Best
We emphasize local approaches, local participation, and local leadership. We develop contextual and culturally sensitive ministries based on local best practices.

Sustainable Growth
We encourage self-sufficiency and local sustainability, rather than donor-dependency. We build capacity and mobilize local resources to build social, economic, and spiritual capital.
ABC's of Community Development
We use an approach we refer to as Asset Based Community Development. We focusĀ on underserved communities living in extreme poverty, whether in the informal settlements of the city or in marginalized rural communities. However, rather than identifying problems, we work with local populations to identify available assets including social, spiritual, and economic capital that can be nurtured and strengthened to support community development.

Kenya Connection builds international partnerships, but emphasizes local approaches. We develop contextual, culturally sensitive ministries and encourage local community participation. We respect, encourage, and promote local cultural knowledge and practices, and embrace African forms, including indigenous expressions of Christianity.
We focus on opportunities (rather than challenges) and seek to identify and develop local resources. We help Kenyan youth identify assets, develop capacity, and build businesses based on best practices. We encourage self-sufficiency, local sustainability and reliance rather than dependency.