Bank, Nakuru Branch who was found murdered in her house on 24/11/2017. Daughter of John Martin Amina
formerly of Kenya Prisons HQ and Sophia Agutu of Alego, Siaya County. Sister of Mercy Alwal, Lucy Chaves, Pauline
Nasoro and Walter Emmanuel Amina. Niece, Cousin and an Aunt of many.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily in Tumaini House, Nairobi from 6 pm. A wake service to celebrate her life
will be held at Christ Church Westlands today Friday 1st December, 2017 at 5:45 pm.
There will be a fundraising on Tuesday, 5th December, 2017 to help defray the funeral expenses.
The funeral will take place on 9th December 2017 at her father’s home in Siaya.
For inquiries, call 0739338994.