Rang’ala Baby Home Visit

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40, NIV)

On 17th July 2024, the Kenya Connection (KC) team visited Rang’ala Baby Home in Siaya County. Following introductions by the managing assistant of the center, the team toured the premises guided by a staff member named Rosemary. They met, and carried the babies. They assisted with laundry.  In appreciation of the teams several visits to the facility, the center had prepared a heartwarming breakfast for them which they enjoyed. The team then played with the playgroup students at Rang’ala Nursery School, where some of the older babies are admitted when they start school.

(Image: Introductory session at Rang’ala Baby Home)

During the visit, the team learned about the circumstances leading to babies being brought to the home, including the case of baby Mercy, who was abandoned and rescued by passersby. The team was inspired by Rosemary, a support staff member who has worked at the Centre for over 35 years. Rosemary expressed her lifelong commitment to serving the babies, even planning to volunteer post-retirement. Lucy from the KC team suggested organizing a retreat day for the support staff to show appreciation for their work.

(Image: KC Team Doing laundry)

The KC team donated food and baby formula essential for the Centre’s operations. After playing games, the team took group photos and then departed.